12-Step Groups

12-Step groups are a form of group therapy, based on the spiritual, emotional and personal development program created by Alcoholics Anonymous for recovering addicts. The program uses a combination of peer support and peer pressure to get you to stop the self-destructive addictive behaviors that are ruining your relationships and your life, while you work in the group on the deeper emotional and spiritual issues that underlie these behaviors.

There are groups for virtually every type of neurosis: Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, mental illness recovery, and general personal development groups based on the 12-step program. The really powerful thing about 12-step groups is that everyone, including the group facilitators who are themselves recovering addicts, can relate to what you’re going through.


  • The purpose of the group is usually well defined, based on the particular addiction

  • Other people really understand what you’re going through

  • Encourages extremely honest sharing

  • Widespread and easy to find

  • Very inexpensive

  • Good peer support

  • Offers a spiritual path in addition to emotional healing


  • You end up hanging around with other people with the same problem or dysfunction

  • Once-an-addict always-an-addict philosophy can prevent full recovery

  • You tend to see everything as an addiction, even normal behavior

  • Not everyone can stomach the idea of a higher power

  • You can become addicted to the group process

  • Leaving the group and moving on can be difficult
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Group Therapy

Talking about how you feel in a supportive group with a trained facilitator is powerful. In doing so you release the emotional charge behind what’s bothering you, heal your sense of shame around the issues you expose, and learn assertive communication skills for dealing with groups of people all at the same time. This is particularly powerful at dealing with one of the biggest factors that undermines our self-confidence: shame. It is a logical next-step from individual therapy, and many therapists run groups as an adjunct to individual therapy.

The most powerful short-term group process I’ve come across is Path of Love. Longer term groups that involve open, honest sharing in a non-judgmental environment are likely to be the most beneficial in the long term.


  • You discover that you are not alone

  • Powerfully de-shaming

  • Helps you transition skills learned in therapy to using them in the real world

  • You learn to deal with conflict

  • You learn to handle other people projecting onto you

  • Can offer more support than individual therapy


  • Requires a skilled facilitator and/or strong ground rules, or the group can degenerate

  • Potential for conflict with other group members to distract you from dealing with your own issues.

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Journey Therapy

Journey Therapy is a physical and emotional healing technique based on a guided visualization described in the book The Journey by Brandon Bays. The process is based on Neurolinguistic Programming Timeline Therapy and involves imagining yourself travelling through your body to a location where trapped emotion is stored. During the visualization you have the opportunity to get complete with people from the past, say what you feel you needed to say to them at the age that you got hurt, allow them to respond, release the painful emotion and forgive them. Releasing the trapped emotion heals the trauma and sets you free to move on with your life.

The process is guided by unconscious responses to questions from the therapist, and facilitates releasing emotions that you may not even be aware of. It works best in the context of a trusting therapeutic relationship where you feel free to let your imagination run free and express whatever emotions arise during the process. (more…)

Guided Visualization

A guided visualization is an active form of meditation where a facilitator guides you through an imaginary sequence that includes emotional healing elements. It may involve looking at your childhood or other events in your past from a different perspective, or constructing completely new experiences that have powerful positive emotions behind them.

The facilitator may be present or may be on a CD or MP3 player. Background music helps get into the mood. You can also construct guided visualizations yourself. Visualizing yourself succeeding at some task has a powerful positive effect on your self-confidence and allows you to rehearse or practice an important task before an event. It is often referred to as mental rehearsal and is used by many sport and public speaking professionals.


  • You can construct a new past for yourself, if the old one was really awful

  • You can purchase guided visualizations on CD or MP3 format for home use

  • Easy to do in groups

  • Can be tailored to your personal needs

  • Limited only by your imagination


  • Usually not very interactive

  • Wide range of effectiveness of facilitators

  • May have to try a few to find one that really works for you

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I do a combination of Yoga, breathwork and meditation every day that I learned from the Art Of Living foundation. It helps calm my nerves and quieten my busy mind. I often find I get creative ideas popping into my head during meditation that I would otherwise never have thought of. It’s a great way of getting in touch with your intuition and deepening your sense of inner wisdom.


The benefits of meditation have been known for thousands of years, and are particularly helpful in our modern society where we are increasingly trained to think a lot and rarely get a break from the mental chatter in our heads.


  • Helps deal with stress
  • Teaches you to relax and focus
  • A form of meditation or prayer is a core part of most spiritual philosophies
  • It’s free!


  • Doesn’t help you develop social skills; may even impair them
  • Can make you more introverted and shy
  • Takes a very long time to release and heal trauma compared to somatic therapies
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Yoga is an Eastern combination of mindfulness, breathing and body movement which has been used for centuries for handling stress and anxiety. The physical body movement involved helps to get you out of your head and calm your constant upsetting thoughts.

Long before the invention of modern psychiatric pharmaceuticals Yoga was dealing with mind problems for free. It also helps maintain your body flexibility and improve your breathing practices. Besides, Yoga classes are also an excellent way to meet interesting women. Need I say more?


  • Increasingly common and easy to learn

  • Great for your flexibility

  • Excellent way to meet women

  • Cheaper than most kinds of therapy


  • There’s no end to it. You never stop practicing

  • Your buddies may laugh at you, especially during downward facing dog
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Timeline Therapy

In Timeline Therapy, you work with a facilitator who constructs a creative visualisation where you go back in time to before whatever traumatic event has has undermined your confidence. Then you allow yourself to feel the feelings of confidence that you felt before the event, and transport those feelings forward into the future. You see your full potential open up before you, and start living your life towards the new possibilities that you imagine unfolding with this new and more positive view of yourself and your future.

This is a common Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique. Generally you get your body involved, and walk forward and back along the timeline representing the past, present and future. Can’t say I found it particularly effective, but you might love it.


  • Conceptually simple
  • Works well with goal setting
  • You don’t have to relive the traumatic event emotionally


  • Requires a creative imagination
  • You need to be able to identify a specific event or time in your life before which you felt more confident
  • Doesn’t really deal with the emotional impact of the traumatic event
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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Richard Bandler and John Grinder were interested in why some people achieved excellence in their lives, while others languished in frustration and mediocrity. They figured that if you wanted to be good at something, all you had to do was look at someone else who was good at the same thing, and copy or model them. So they modeled Milton Erickson, the most effective therapist they knew, and they created Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) based on how he related to his clients.

NLP isn’t so much a therapy as a toolbox full of way to get more out of your mind, your interactions and relationships with other people. For example, rather than delving deep into your psyche to get to the bottom of why you can’t relate to other people powerfully, you just find someone who has excellent relationships, and copy exactly what they do.

Don’t think about it, or worry how you feel about it, just do what they do and you’ll get the same results they get. Watch what they do, rather than asking them about it, because most experts can’t accurately describe how they do what they do. They do it using their intuition. Often their explanation of why this works is misleading, and they may be unaware of the subtle nuances behind it.… Continue reading…


Freud’s baby. The therapist sits back and listens as you lie on the leather couch and waffle on for billable hours about your shitty childhood, and how much you hate your parents. He steers you off superficial stories and into the really deeply painful ones as you probe the very depths of your troubled psyche together.


  • Probably the most thorough therapy out there

  • You’ll feel like a movie star

  • Makes you rich if you’re a psychiatrist


  • It never ends

  • Costs a fortune

  • You need to be a movie star to pay your therapy bills

  • Perhaps Freud was wrong about your mother

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Emotional Release Breathwork

Breathwork is based on the idea that emotional energy from traumatic events can get stuck in our bodies, central nervous system, and/or brain; and that conscious breathing techniques can be used to liberate it. Even the trauma we experience during birth may be stuck in our subconscious affecting us on a routine daily basis despite us not consciously remembering it. Using breathwork to resolve unhealed birth trauma is sometimes referred to as rebirthing.

A facilitator takes you through a series of intense breathing exercises that bring repressed emotions to the surface, liberating them from your mind and body. Often done to background music or primal drumbeats, similar to those used in Primal Therapy.


  • You don’t have to go over the story

  • You don’t need to know what caused the emotional pain to heal it

  • Can be very powerful


  • Hard to know when you’ve had enough of it

  • Not a mainstream therapy

  • Practitioners may have minimal qualifications

  • Association with rebirthing can sound dubious

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