Walk Like You Own The Place

Here is another tip for you to help you build your confidence: And this tip is not original; I’ve nicked this from somebody. I can’t even remember who it was. I’d give them credit if I could, but, well, there you go.

The tip is to walk around like you own the place.



You Never Know Where The Confident Man Program Will Take You

One of the confidence-building activities that I recommend in The Confident Man Program guide is learning to play a musical instrument. Learning to play music is awesome because it’s fun, it teaches persistence which is a valuable life skill, and it means you can ultimately join a band and jam with other musicians. Plus artistic skills like musicality are very attractive to women for evolutionary reasons; which is another way of saying that they make you an interesting, well-rounded man.

You never know where learning a skill like music can take you. In my case, I learned to play music as an adult and my chosen instrument was guitar. Sure, it’s taken a long time, but like any valuable skill the rewards lie waiting for the man willing to rise to the challenge of giving it a serious go.

This year I even put on my first solo show, at the 2017 Sydney Fringe Comedy Festival. If you’ve checked out my story, you’ll know that I used to be paralysed by anxiety in front of people; so for me to put together a full hour of original material and let go of worrying what the audience might think of me was a huge achievement. If you’re looking for some inspiration or are just wondering what’s possible for you, I think you’ll enjoy watching the video here: (more…)

Practice Speaking More Slowly And Deeply

Hey, it’s Graham here from The Confident Man Project with yet another confidence building tip for you. And today I want to talk about the way that we speak. The way that we speak says a whole lot about our level of general self-confidence and how nervous we are in any particular situation.

So what you want to do is to practice speaking more slowly and more deeply, particularly if you’ve got a bit of a high-pitched voice or if you find yourself always speaking very quickly; you’re always in a rush to get things out and you’ve got to say what you’ve got to say.



A Powerful Antidote To Toxic Feminism’s Attack On Masculinity

In our age of gender fluidity, traditional masculine role models have come under increasing attack from a radical minority of toxic feminists. My take on feminism is that it started out with noble goals like universal suffrage and the emancipation of women, which I’m all for. But now it includes a radical fringe element who either fundamentally don’t trust the notion of masculinity, or are beta females who don’t have what it takes genetically to attract an alpha male, so instead they sit back and criticise empowered men. The tables have turned essentially, and now masculinity is under attack. So what’s the solution? (more…)

How To Resolve Anger About Childhood Christian Indoctrination

It’s Sunday morning. When I was a child, Sunday morning meant getting up unreasonably early (for a Sunday), getting dressed and heading to our local church with my parents to learn about God, Jesus and The Bible.

The church services felt long and boring with dull music, but fortunately I didn’t have to stay in them very long as us kids could leave part-way through to head downstairs to Sunday School in the basement of the church. Compared to the church service, Sunday School was much more fun. I ran riot a lot of the time, running around the building whenever possible and playing with the other kids. Mind you, compared to Sunday School, I imagined that staying home or playing with my non-church friends was probably even more fun.

In Sunday School I heard stories like Jonah being swallowed by a whale for disobeying God. God’s plan involved Jonah going to Nineveh to tell the people there how evil they were. Didn’t sound like such a great plan to me; who would want to do that?
